Clean Fuels, Transportation Industries Ask EPA for Strong Growth in RFS BBD Volumes
Letter highlights immediate need for sustainable fuels to achieve Biden administration decarbonization goals.
Letter highlights immediate need for sustainable fuels to achieve Biden administration decarbonization goals.
The U.S. EPA is due to finalize the 2023 Renewable Fuel Standard obligations by June 14. Clean Fuels Director of Public Affairs and Federal Communications, Paul Winters, explains how the last three months of growth should account for higher RVOs.
In this episode of Fueling Conversations, Tom Hammer, president and CEO of the National Oilseed Processors Association, discusses how processors are making significant investments to meet increasing demand for food, feed and biofuels.
Eliminating retroactive tax expiration limits uncertainty for biodiesel and renewable diesel producers.
In this episode of Fueling Conversations Jayson Lusk, head of agricultural economics at Purdue University, discusses creating an economic model to identify the effects of shifts in demand for soybean oil in biofuels on food prices.