Food & Fuel
Fueling and Feeding Our Nation
Clean fuels are good for farmers, the economy, the country and the planet.
They are available now and ready to use in today’s engines and they play an essential role in feeding and fueling our nation.

Clean Fuel Demand Offers Benefits
Recent research from Purdue University tells us increased use of soybean oil for biomass-based diesel has almost no net impact on food price inflation.
For every 50 bushels of soybeans harvested, 550 pounds of soybean oil for clean fuels and 2,200 pounds of protein for food are generated.
This soy protein leads to lower prices for animal diets – contributing to lower prices for consumers on eggs, chicken and pork. *
The Benefits Keep Growing
Over the past 40 years, U.S. soybean production has more than doubled on fewer acres.
As such, U.S. Soybean farmers continue to meet the oil production demands
for clean fuels and the soy protein demands for food sources.
Soybean yields are even predicted to grow by more than half a bushel per acre per year, producing an additional 24 pounds of protein and almost six pounds of oil per acre annually.
Increasing the availability of soy protein reduces livestock production costs and grocery store prices. *
Mac Marshall, VP Market Intelligence for the United Soybean Board, and Jonathan Martin, Clean Fuels’ Director of Economics and Market Analytics address the complex value chain from farm to fuel, highlighting the essential role of energy in ensuring global food affordability and availability on the Better. Cleaner. Now! Podcast. Listen below.
* “The Whole Bean: How U.S. Soy Helps Feed and Fuel the World.”