Biodiesel Toolkit

Using Biodiesel
Made from an increasingly diverse mix of recycled resources biodiesel is a renewable, cleaner-burning diesel replacement that can be used in existing diesel engines without modification.
Using biodiesel has a variety of benefits for everyday drivers and equipment manufacturers. Because it contains zero aromatics and 11% oxygen, biodiesel burns cleaner, reduces black smoke and reduces toxicity. Biodiesel also has a higher flash point and higher lubricity, making it safer to transport and easier on your engine’s daily wear and tear.
Biodiesel for Original Equipment Manufacturers
While all original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the United States support the use of at least B5 biodiesel blends, most also support B20 (a blend of 20 percent biodiesel). Several support up to B100, pure biodiesel.
Buying Biodiesel
Whether you are a petroleum distributor sourcing fuel or an everyday driver looking for clean fuels at the pump, finding biodiesel has never been easier. Thousands of retail stations now offer biodiesel blends to the public at filling stations, truck stops and fuel docks across the country.
If you are a biodiesel or renewable diesel retailer or distributor, you can enter to have your location added to the AFDC Station Locator. Submit your information here.

Biodiesel Resources
- On the Road with Biodiesel
Biodiesel offers fleets affordable, low-carbon solutions to immediately improve the sustainability of their operations. This better, cleaner fuel is available now and provides immediate carbon reductions.
- NREL Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide (6th-Edition)
NREL guide provides basic information on the proper and safe use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends in engines to help fleets, individual users, blenders, distributors, and others understand procedures for handling and using biodiesel fuels.
- Original Equipment Manufacturer Positions on Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel
Infograph: Original Equipment Manufacturer Positions on Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel
- Sample Material Safety Data Sheet for Biodiesel
Sample Material Safety Data Sheet for Biodiesel