NBB Applauds House Letter Supporting RFS

Aug 2, 2021 | News, News Release, Policy Priorities, Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the National Biodiesel Board thanked a bipartisan group of Congress members for asking EPA Administrator Michael Regan to prioritize the Renewable Fuel Standard. In a letter sent today, 29 Representatives called on EPA to issue overdue RFS rules as soon as possible and increase advanced biofuels volumes.

“Advanced biofuels supported through the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) are critical to the success of rural America and the many hard-working Americans that depend on a robust biofuels industry,” the letter states. “Further, low-carbon advanced biofuels are important to states and cities that are pursuing carbon reduction goals for clean, low-carbon transportation and home heating programs. The RFS ensures that all Americans can access cleaner fuels and benefit from the economic opportunities the advanced biofuel industry provides.”

Kurt Kovarik, NBB’s Vice President for Federal Affairs, added, “On behalf of NBB’s members, I want to thank Representatives Rodney Davis, Angie Craig, Dusty Johnson, Cindy Axne, Mark Pocan, Adrian Smith and others for their support of the biodiesel industry and the RFS. The letter specifically notes that biodiesel and renewable diesel reduce carbon emissions and criteria pollutants. Optimizing the RFS and increasing use of these advanced biofuels will help EPA further the goals and priorities set by Administrator Regan. It is critical that EPA issue the overdue RFS rules as soon as possible.”


Made from an increasingly diverse mix of resources such as recycled cooking oil, soybean oil, and animal fats, the clean fuels industry is a proven, integral part of America’s clean energy future. Clean Fuels Alliance America is the U.S. trade association representing the entire biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel supply chain, including producers, feedstock suppliers and fuel distributors. Clean Fuels receives funding from a broad mix of private companies and associations, including the United Soybean Board and state checkoff organizations.
